Smart, Simple and Sustainable GC for More Productivity – PerkinElmer GC 2400 System | PerkinElmer

Product Note

Smart, Simple and Sustainable GC for More Productivity – PerkinElmer GC 2400 System



The innovative PerkinElmer 2400 System allows customers to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency. Designed to address the growing productivity and throughput needs of analytical laboratories, the GC 2400 System features a detachable touchscreen, so you can make decisions faster and be more productive than ever, no matter where you are.

A new user interface collates and provides information on the different configured GC accessories like the headspace analyzer and mass spectrometry detector using a single display.

Whether the application is industrial, environmental, pharmaceutical or in food and beverage, the GC 2400 System can help you exceed your productivity and performance goals, delivering accurate results.

Experience innovative GC workflows with the smart, simplified, and sustainable GC 2400 Platform.